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Selectmen's Minutes November 11, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads  
PRESENT: Road Agent David Kenneally, Police Chief Patrick Clarke, Deputy Fire Chief Mike Paveglio and Building Inspector Dave Paveglio  

Hyw – All Trucks are ready to go for the plowing season.    

PD – Selectman Arey commented he was pleased to see the police log in the paper again.  Pat shared a letter of concern regarding the costs in health insurance with the Board.  He would like the Selectmen to review the total benefit package offered by the town, compare it to the surrounding towns and consider adjusting the cost share for all covered employees.  Pat feels strongly that the Town should work hard to retain the quality employees they have and by doing so the Town will save money in the long run.  Chairman Colbert showed Pat the comparison the Board has done utilizing the Wage, Salary and Benefit Survey Book put out by the New Hampshire Municipal Association.  The Board agreed to look over Pat’s concerns and meet again with the employees if necessary. Also, clarification of time worked on a scheduled holiday needs to be addressed in the policies. After reviewing the spreadsheet presented, Pat noted that the surrounding towns that pay 80% also pay for employees dental insurance.

BI – Dave is still waiting for a response from the Planning Board regarding the need or not for any additional building to a property in the commercial zone, to go before the Planning Board for site review.  A procedure for communications to and from the building inspector, Selectmen and Planning Board was discussed.  The Board directed Lisa to formally request their inquiry be placed on the Planning Board agenda for discussion and recorded within the minutes of the meeting.  

FD – The safety concern on Horse Corner Road has not been reviewed by all board members as yet, therefore no action has been taken to date.  Deputy Paveglio inquired if the Board has made a decision granting approval for the booster pump and the intercom system.  The Board has not and discussion followed as to why.  The Fire Department strongly feels the equipment is necessary and as far as the portable intercom, there is a safety concern for those fire department personnel when responding to a call and not being able to hear communications when riding in the Used Heavy Rescue Vehicle.  
The Selectmen have asked for safety inspections to all public buildings.  This was agreed to be completed by Fire Prevention week in October. To date these inspections are not complete.   The Board strongly feels this to be a safety concern as well. The Board will discuss the purchase and inform the Fire Department of their decision.

SUBJECT – 2004 Budget Proposals
PRESENT: Budget Committee members, Steve MacCleery, Marie McKay, Walter Sanborn, John Martell and Bruce Dyke

The first budget for review was building inspection. Mr. Paveglio was present to explain the slight increase being money for training/conferences and an increase in the administration/salary line.  This line is offset by revenues received from building permits.  The number of permits is increasing.    
Chairman Mann answered questions on the Conservation Budget.  The Board would like to see a uniform format for all budgets showing year to date expenses, budgeted amount and proposed amount.

Planning Board Chairman Tracy Scott asked the departments if they were referring to the CIP plan during their budget preparation. The more departments that get on board the easier it will be for planning and budgeting.

Cemetery Trustees Joanna McIntosh and Robin Stephens were on hand to explain the Cemetery budget.  They are still waiting for repair work to some fencing on Pleasant Street.  

Selectman Arey excused himself from the room during the discussion of the Library budget.  The Budget committee has some questions regarding the salary increase and asked that a trustee be scheduled for the next budget meeting.

Selectman DeBold answered questions on the Recreation budget. He will look into the cost of a handicap portable toilet and adjust the cost for two portable toilets beginning in May. Steve MacCleery asked the status of the sign for Carpenter Park.  Selectman DeBold has the sign at his house.  It needs to be painted and then installed.  He assured the group it would be installed by town meeting in March.

The Board of Adjustment budget was discussed.  Due to the increase in hearings and the ongoing litigation, the Budget Committee and the Selectmen thought it wise to increase the secretarial salary from $300 to $500 and add a line for legal expenses with an amount of $1,500.  

The Treasurer’s budget includes a salary increase of $1,000.  The Budget Committee asked what the scope of duties was and would the amount of hours be decreasing next year.  The Board explained to the group that the Treasurer was new and there have been a number of changes this year including the use of the software and changing banks.

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Chairman Scott and Secretary Andrea Deachman discussed the Planning Board budget with the group.  A new line this year along with the break out of office supplies and telephone as requested by the Selectmen will be for legal expenses.  The Planning Board as well is proposing a stipend for the Chairman.  

An increase request for cleaning services was reviewed.  The Budget Committee asked if the cleaning person carried liability insurance.  Lisa will check into it.

Finally, the group looked over the Historical Society budget.  This shows a large increase due mostly to the expenses budgeted for maintenance of the community building.  Many questions were raised and the group asked that a Historical Society member attend the next budget meeting and perhaps the building expenses could be separate from the society expenses because the building was a multi use building.

The Selectmen explained to the group, their request for departments responsible for building maintenance to show those expenses within their own department budgets.    

All budgets will be reviewed and brought forth for final discussion at a later meeting with the budget committee.  No votes were taken at this time.


Mail and correspondence were reviewed.

 In reference to a letter from Doug Hall, the Selectmen asked Lisa to talk with the tax collector regarding the status of the unknown properties. The Board is considering putting funding in the budget for title research, perhaps researching one property per year to get them back on the tax rolls.  

Another IRS problem has surfaced.  Research of records for 2001 will have to be done.    Lisa will research and work with IRS for possible solutions and corrections that need to be made to keep penalties to a minimum.  What line item to charge these penalties to was discussed.  Lisa will get back to the Board after she has done further research on the problem.
Lisa updated the Board on the status of the zoning violation on Cross Road.

The Board asked Lisa to contact surrounding towns and inquire about stipends for volunteer boards and committees.

A request for acceptance of Kara Drive as a town road was reviewed.  The Board directed Lisa to have the Road Agent review the road to verify its condition meets town specifications.
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Chairman Colbert asked Lisa to copy the EOP meeting notice and forward to the department heads.

The minutes of November 4, 2003 were approved as written.

Payroll and accounts payable were signed.

Being no further business, the  meeting was adjourned at 11:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman David Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

                                                                Not Yet Approved

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